Four Steps to Crafting a CTA That Converts

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I began writing this post the way I begin most of my posts, with a clear idea of what I want the reader to learn and what I want them to do once they’ve learned what they need to learn.

A large part of creating content for your audience is conversion. Your goal is to turn a reader or user into a lead and a lead into a customer. Having the right call to action is part of this picture.

Call to actions are tricky but once they’re done properly the results speak for themselves.

Having hundreds or even thousands of followers is great, and having a bunch of likes is also good but seriously if you’re not converting any of those numbers then they virtually mean nothing.

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Never miss the opportunity to stay connected with your audience, and that’s what a good call to action does. It opens the door for you to grab their attention and connect with them.

If you want more leads, sales or subscribers my word of advice is to tighten up your call to action. CTAs can be used on your website, blog, social media, email blasts, virtual ads and guest articles.

I firmly believe that once you’re connecting with your audience in any way you should use some type of CTA maybe not all the time but I would use it at least 75% of the time.

A call to action can come in many different forms sometimes a sentence, a button, a graphic or even a banner. The CTA you use depends on your message, your content and most of all your audience.

Although I often try to predict what a specific audience might do, the truth is you never really know so it might be a matter of trial and error.

Get to know what your audience responds to and continue to replicate it.

There are three main CTA that are generally used:

  1. Buy XYZ… But my ebook, consultation, new course, service etc.
  2. Download this FREE resource
  3. Sign up for my newsletter

These are essentially going to be one of the actions that you want your reader to take, but getting there, that’s the tricky part.

So how do you write a Call to Action that will get results? Here are some essential tips to writing a strong actionable call to action:

  1. Your reader needs direction. They need to know what you want them to do once they’ve done reading your content. So you have to tell them, clearly. I stress this one be very clear what you want them to do and make it easy for them to do it. If you want them to subscribe to your blog make the button on link clear and visible so that they don’t have to search. Clarity is crucial
  2. Make it urgent. You want your reader to act now. You want them to be excited to be part of something big and exclusive and your CTA has to convey this.
  3. No commitment. For many people giving up their email address is a big thing because receiving unwanted mail is just annoying. With this in mind try to reassure your reader let them know that they don’t have to commit they can try it and see if they like it. Make the process sound simple and easy, which it should be.
  4. Be direct, different, demanding and clever all at once. Yeah, it might sound complicated but a successful CTA has all these elements.


Writing a strong call to action is not rocket science but it does take a lot of thought, that’s probably why 70% of all B2B websites lack a call to action.


Hopefully, these tips can help you craft a solid CTA based on your specific goals. If you can’t find the right words, tools or tactics to get your readers/followers to take an action you can rely on the expertise of a professional content creator who can help you create premium content that connects with your audience.


For more information on crafting a call to action that connects, or creating actionable content sign up for my weekly newsletter.

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